“Delta tunnel project is still stuck with unacceptable baggage”

Friday, Aug 30th, 2013

Recently in the Sunday Forum, the Sacramento Bee editorial board advanced that the “Delta tunnel project is still stuck with unacceptable baggage.” The Bee captured the upstream water supplier perspective very accurately when it provided:

In the Bay-Delta processes, the state and federal agencies “still haven’t provided guarantees to north state water users that their water supplies and ecosystems won’t be harmed by tunnel diversions….”

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The signs are everywhere – California is experiencing record dry and warm conditions. The first part of 2013 was the driest on record. Will this continue?

Friday, Aug 16th, 2013

In Northern California, water leaders continue to make a concerted effort to prepare for dry conditions in California. The NCWA Board of Directors and water resource managers throughout the region convened in Richvale earlier this year on January 30 to discuss how the Sacramento Valley can better prepare for the next drought.

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We need a comprehensive water plan for California

Wednesday, Aug 7th, 2013

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson recently provided a fresh and compelling viewpoint in the Sacramento Bee that the “State needs more water, not just improved sharing.” The Northern California Water Association (NCWA) and our partners in the North State Water Alliance are committed to statewide water solutions that advance the economy, environment, and quality of life in Northern California. We have been a strong proponent that California needs a more comprehensive water plan than just a narrow Delta solution. We share the Mayor’s belief “that Governor Brown can come up with an innovative solution when it comes to water policy,” which should include his administration immediately developing a more “comprehensive statewide water plan.”

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