Telling Our Story:
The Sacramento Valley

In the pages that follow you will get a glimpse into the Sacramento Valley, how its leaders are cultivating a shared vision in the Sacramento Valley for a vibrant way of life, and the central role water serves—from ridgetop to river mouth—in bringing this special region to life.
California’s Sacramento Valley is truly unique. On the leading edge of ecological and economical sustainability, it’s also an exceptional place to live, work and raise a family. The Sacramento Valley joins together a world-renowned mosaic of natural abundance: productive farmlands, healthy forests, wildlife refuges and managed wetlands, cities and rural communities, and vital rivers that support and feed fisheries and natural habitats. Through efficient management of the region’s water resources, the Sacramento Valley will continue to provide what’s essential to California’s future success and prosperity. Nourishment and sustenance from the fields, habitats for fish and wildlife, hydro-energy, recreation and a special quality of life—the Sacramento Valley is home to all of this, and more.

We encourage you to learn about these documents and use them in any way helpful. Please click on the picture or text below to see the full document. You can contact us at
The Sacramento Valley is sourcing our sustainable future through responsible management of the essential resource that millions of birds, hundreds of thousands of fish, thousands of farms and millions of people all rely on water!
Personal Stories: Landowner Conservation and Stewardship

Ridgetop to River Mouth Water Management for Multiple Benefits

- Ridgetop to River Mouth
- Water Management Investments
- Managing Water in the Sacramento Valley for Multiple Purposes
- Water Management in the Sacramento Valley (English and Spanish)
- Modern Functional Flows for the Sacramento Valley
- Water Use in California
- Efficient Water Management: Investing in California's Future
- Efficient Water Management for Regional Sustainability in the Sacramento Valley
- Making Water Efficiency a Way of Life in the Sacramento Region - RWA
- Nature-Based Solutions: Enlisting Natural and Working Lands in the Sacramento River Basin in the Fight Against Climate Change
- Ensuring High Quality Water in the Sacramento River Basin for Communities, Ecosystems, and Farms
- Freshwater Ecosystem Budgets in the Sacramento River Basin
- Reporting, Measuring, and Planning Requirements for Water Users
- Reporting, Measuring, and Planning Requirements for Agricultural Water Users
- Reporting, Measuring, and Planning Requirements for All Water Users
- Video: Managing Water for Multiple Benefits
Bay-Delta/Healthy Rivers & Landscapes

- Healthy Rivers California
- Healthy Rivers & Landscapes - Assets
- Healthy Rivers & Landscapes - Early Implementation
- Healthy Rivers & Landscapes - New Way Forward
- Versus: Uncovering Best Solutions for Fish, Wildlife and All Californians
- Improving the Bay-Delta Watershed: Providing Reliable Water
- Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan Update: How It Affects Californians
- Bay-Delta Plan Update Taking Points
- Collaboration Can Better Protect Our Rivers and Strengthen Water Resiliency
- Re-managing the Flow
- What’s at Stake? The Importance of Protecting Water Resources in the Sacramento Valley
- New Report Highlights Advantages of the Agreements to Support Healthy Rivers and Landscapes
Reactivating the Floodplains

- Floodplain Forward 2024
- Advancing Floodplain Reactivation in the Sacramento River Basin
- Floodplains Reconnected
- Reactivating Our Floodplains inthe Sacramento River Basin
- Bypasses and Fish Habitat l Proof in the Projects
- The Floodplain Forward: Bypasses and Fish Habitat
- Fish Food on Floodplain Farm Fields
- Fish Food Grown on Winter Rice Fields Could be Key to Recovering Imperiled Central Valley Salmon
- Proof is in the Projects
- Too Big to Dream? A Landscape Scale Approach to Re-envision our Floodplains in the Sacramento Valley for Multiple Benefits
- Helping Salmon in the Sacramento Valley
- California Ricelands Salmon Project
- The Sacramento Valley and Waterfowl
- The Floodplain System - Lower Sacramento Valley
- Reactivating our Floodplains
Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program

- Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program
- 2021 Salmon Snapshot
- Salmon Life Cycle
- Butte Creek Salmon Recovery
- Aiding Salmon in the Upper Sacramento River
- Improving Conditions for Salmon
- Helping Salmon in the Sacramento Valley
- Re-managing the Flow
- Restoring the Salmon Runs: A time for Action
- River Garden Farms Salmon Habitat Restoration Project
- Protecting Fish
- Meridian Farms Water Company
- Natomas Mutual Water Company
- Freshwater Ecosystem Budgets in the Sacramento River Basin
- Bypasses and Fish Habitat
- Fish Food on Floodplain Farm Fields
Pacific Flyway

- Central Valley Refuge Needs
- A Freshwater Ecosystem Budget for Birds and the Pacific Flyway
- Pacific Flyway Habitat in the Sacramento Valley
- Centerpiece of the Pacific Flyway
- Wetland Areas and Rice Fields in the Sacramento Valley of California
- The Sacramento Valley and Waterfowl
- Why Spring Diversions on the Sacramento River Are Important to Serve Multiple Benefits
Sites Reservoir

Drinking Water / Water Quality

- Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water for All California Communities
- Ensuring High Quality Water in the Sacramento River Basin for Communities, Ecosystems, and Farms
- An Accelerated Regional Salinity Management Approach to Protect Beneficial Uses in the Sacramento River Basin
- Safe Drinking Water Resources Available
- Disadvantaged Communities in Northern California