Celebrating Earth Day: A Gathering of Stewards at Rancho Llano Seco

Friday, Apr 19th, 2024

By Charles Thieriot

As Earth Day approaches this Monday, April 22, we at Rancho Llano Seco are preparing to host NCWA’s members and friends for a celebration for the second year in a row. We’re honored to open our historic California Rancho to leaders and stewards of the land from across the Sacramento Valley for a day of reflection, collaboration, and celebration.

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world,” John Muir. This quote reminds me of the profound interconnectedness of all life on our planet. People and resources are part of that system as well. I think of the meandering path of a river that connects distant lands, the water’s echo from its source upstream to the vast expanse downstream. All of us children of California have a responsibility to be stewards of the water that flow across and through our land. We all need to partner with each other to manage this resource in a sustainable way.

At Rancho Llano Seco, we take pride in our commitment to responsible and humane practices. As a sixth-generation family-run ranch, sustainability and respect for the land are inherently part of our practices. We make decisions knowing that hopefully our decedents will reap the rewards. Earth Day is an opportunity to reaffirm our dedication to environmental stewardship and to honor the rich heritage of our region. California is a thought leader in matters of working lands playing a key role in habitat creation for the animals we all depend on and now depend on us.

Our Earth Day Celebration will be a gathering of like-minded individuals who share a deep love for the Sacramento Valley and its natural wonders. We are excited to welcome special guest Chief Sisk, who will offer insights into the time-honored practices of indigenous communities, highlighting their deep respect for nature and the importance of living in harmony with the land. Her particular focus will be on salmon recovery efforts—a cause close to our hearts.

Underneath the wide-open sky, surrounded by the rich beauty of our ranch, we will break bread. As we enjoy food prepared with locally sourced ingredients and appreciate the bounty of the land, we may reflect on the intricate interplay between humanity and the natural world, recognizing that we are consequential far beyond our immediate surroundings. Let’s come together in our shared commitment to protect our planet, recognizing that every action we take shapes the world we leave for future generations.


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