Celebrating 10 Years of Success: The Lower Yuba River Accord

Thursday, May 10th, 2018


A diverse group of parties joined together this week to celebrate ten years of the Lower Yuba River Accord (Accord)—a landmark settlement agreement that improves conditions for salmon and steelhead in the Yuba River, reduces the risk of flooding for the people of Yuba County, protects water rights for local farmers and ranchers, and provides critical water supplies for communities throughout California.

Please watch the video celebrating ten years, which showcases the diverse parties and innovation that went into the Accord. More information on the Accord is available: Here.

The Accord shows the value of collaboration among diverse parties and how modern, functional flows can help improve conditions for fish and wildlife, while making sure that farms and cites continue to have reliable and affordable water supplies and are protected from flooding.

The major rivers and streams of the Sacramento Valley provide essential pathways for spawning salmon and steelhead. Flow agreements to benefit these fish are on every major watercourse in the Sacramento Valley. More information on these arrangements is available: Here.

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