This week, the California Natural Resources Agency announced that approximately $89 million in grants are being awarded to improve Pacific Flyway habitat in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. These investments will allow the recipients to make needed improvements to the water conveyance facilities used to deliver water to the lands providing the habitat and to secure water supplies for refuge lands.
In the Sacramento Valley, Biggs-West Gridley Water District will receive almost $52.5 million for infrastructure improvements necessary to deliver the quantity of water to the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area necessary to maximize its Pacific Flyway habitat value. Ducks Unlimited is also receiving almost $6 million to improve the lift station at the Sutter National Wildlife Refuge, providing the property with more reliable water supplies.
The refuges and wildlife areas are important pieces of the mosaic of land uses that make up the Pacific Flyway in the Sacramento Valley. Access to reliable, year-round water supplies is critical to the ability of these lands to provide habitat value to the birds and other species that utilize the Pacific Flyway.