With the consecutive dry years we are experiencing in California, the various Sacramento Valley salmon runs are being challenged. There are various measures now underway throughout the Sacramento Valley that are important to help winter-, spring- and the fall-run get through this year.
In looking forward, a strong group of conservation organizations and water management entities have come together to advance the “Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program.”
The priorities for this program were originally developed as part of biologist Dave Vogel’s 2011 comprehensive report, Insights into the Problems, Progress and Potential Solutions for Sacramento River Basin Native Anadromous Fish Restoration. The priorities complement the objectives contained in the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Salmon Recovery Plan for the Sacramento River and Governor Brown’s California Water Action Plan, and thus provide a comprehensive framework for the next generation of projects with state and federal agencies to benefit salmon in the Sacramento Valley.
There are three types of projects as part of the program as shown below. The objective is to get these projects completed as quickly as possible to help salmon during these challenging times.