The Sacramento Valley Hydrologic Region is the northern part of the Great Central Valley. Sacramento Valley water resources managers are committed to advance the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Sacramento Valley by enhancing and preserving its water rights, supplies, and water quality for the rich mosaic of farmlands, cities and rural communities, refuges and managed wetlands, and meandering rivers that support fisheries and wildlife. Programs and projects implemented by Sacramento Valley water resources managers assist in the implementation of “the policy of the State of California… to reduce reliance on the Delta in meeting California’s future water supply needs through a statewide strategy of investing in improved regional water supplies, conservation and water use efficiency. Each region that depends on water from the Delta watershed shall improve its regional self-reliance for water through investment in water use efficiency, water recycling, advanced water technologies, local and regional water supply projects, and improved regional coordination of local and regional water supply efforts.” (Water Code §85021.) To carry out this state policy and to assure regional sustainability in the Sacramento Valley, there are various efforts that have been initiated over the past several decades and are now underway for regional water resources planning in the Sacramento Valley.
- The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in the California Water Plan has described the Sacramento Valley Hydrologic Region in chapter SR and in Bulletin 118-2003 has focused on groundwater conditions and management in the region.
- Various entities in the Sacramento Valley have pursued regional planning efforts to advance regional sustainability, to provide a forum for improved coordination of water resources management and to implement various projects that will improve regional sustainability in the Sacramento Valley. This includes four plans: the American River Basin Integrated Regional Water Management Plan, the Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and Yuba County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.
- These four plans build upon the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) for the Sacramento Valley” adopted on December 12, 2006 under Water Code section 10541. This document, which provided a strategic framework to meet the various water supply needs in the region–both now and into the future, serves as a good resource for the region. For details of the 2006 IRWMP, see the Executive Summary, IRWMP, Land Use and Water Supply Guide, 2000 NCWA Board Policy.
- The Sacramento River Watershed Program has prepared “A Roadmap to Watershed Management.”
Regional planning calls on various strategies for water resources managers to actively manage these supplies so that water is available for all needs in Northern California–both now and into the future. Central to regional planning are the major efforts underway to improve and enhance water supplies, water quality and the environment for multiple benefits in Northern California. Water resources managers in the Sacramento Valley serve water for:
- family farms and ranches, which in addition to socio-economic benefits, provide open space and habitat for waterfowl, geese and waterbirds along the Pacific Flyway;
- high quality drinking water for citizens throughout the region;
- seven National Wildlife Refuges in the Sacramento Valley and over 50 state wildlife areas and numerous privately managed wetlands in the Valley. This water supports important habitat for the annual migration of waterfowl along the Pacific Flyway as well as providing winter habitat for shorebirds and other resident species;
- fish enhancement projects to improve migratory corridors and habitat for salmonids and other fish species.
Water resources managers in the Sacramento Valley recognize and take very seriously the tremendous responsibility to assure reliable and affordable water supplies for the region. Most importantly, they are committed to the economic, environmental and social well-being of the region. As a result, NCWA and water resources managers are aggressively working and partnering with landowners and local governments throughout the region and with various environmental organizations to assure the efficient use of water and to explore new ways to serve water for multiple benefits.