New Thinking on Integrated Water Management

Thursday, Nov 20th, 2014

Some new thinking on the future role of water storage has emerged in a report on Integrating Storage in California’s Changing Water System. The report advocates for a more integrated approach to surface and groundwater storage where projects are planned, designed, and operated as components of a state-wide water system.

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Seeking Balance in California

Thursday, Nov 13th, 2014

California voters recently approved Proposition 2-the so-called “rainy day fund” for California-with nearly 69% support. Significantly, voters in 57 counties supported this measure, with Trinity County the lone dissenting county, as the map below shows.

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Saving for our Future in California

Wednesday, Nov 5th, 2014

California’s voters yesterday sent a very positive signal that they want to invest in our state’s future by saving our precious water and money during surplus times, so they are available during times of need—both droughts and recessions. The passage of the water bond, Proposition 1, with nearly 67% of the voter saying yes, is a major investment in our vital water resources that will help the Sacramento Valley and other parts of the state prepare for future dry years.

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Vote on November 4th

Friday, Oct 31st, 2014

For the water bond on the November 4 ballot, Governor Jerry Brown, California Farm Bureau Federation President Paul Wenger and Nature Conservancy California Director Mike Sweeney wrote the ballot argument in favor of Proposition 1.

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