Salmon: A Time for Action

Wednesday, Dec 23rd, 2015

Dr. Peter Moyle earlier this fall provided a very thoughtful approach to help recover salmon in California. He laid out six steps that can be taken to increase the resiliency and viability of salmon in the face of California’s changing climate at the California Salmon and Climate Variability Symposium. The speech, which we recommend as reading for those interested in salmon, was captured as part of Maven’s Notebook: Saving salmon in changing California.

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Collaboration is the path to save salmon

Tuesday, Dec 15th, 2015

The Sacramento Bee this past weekend ran a very thoughtful perspective that Collaborative efforts are needed to save Central Valley’s salmon. In the Sacramento Valley, this collaboration has emerged during the past four dry years and will be essential for the future of all four salmon run. This collaboration is underway throughout the region and is visible on many fronts, including the Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Program.

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Interview with Thad Bettner

Friday, Dec 11th, 2015

Thad Bettner, the General Manager of the Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District, recently talked with Renee Cashmere at Water Deeply about various water issues facing the Sacramento Valley. The interview provides insights into the water challenges facing this region …

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2016: A Wet or Dry Year?

Thursday, Dec 3rd, 2015

As we transition to 2016 and start planning for the new water year, the water resources managers in the Sacramento Valley are preparing for both a wet and a dry year. Although the past four years have been dry and we have seen serious reductions in water supplies for cities, rural communities, farms, fish and birds; … Continue reading “2016: A Wet or Dry Year?”

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