What’s Behind the Headlines: California’s New Water Use Efficiency Laws

Thursday, Jun 21st, 2018

  Governor Brown recently signed AB 1668 (Friedman) and SB 606 (Hertzberg), two bills based on the Brown Administration’s 2017 “Making Conservation a California Way of Life” framework. These new bills include a number of provisions for agricultural and urban water suppliers that are intended to enhance water use efficiency and water management planning requirements … Continue reading “What’s Behind the Headlines: California’s New Water Use Efficiency Laws”

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Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in the Sacramento Valley

Tuesday, Jun 5th, 2018

  98 percent of Californians served by a public water system receive drinking water that meets all federal and state drinking water standards according to the State Water Resources Control Board’s Safe Drinking Water Plan for California (June 2015). In the Sacramento Valley (the northern part of the Great Central Valley), farmers, ranchers and refuge … Continue reading “Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in the Sacramento Valley”

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