Reactivating the Floodplains in the Sacramento Valley

Thursday, Jul 19th, 2018

  Leading scientists from nearby University of California, Davis and throughout the world are pointing towards the value and importance of re-activating floodplains as the key element to improve conditions for fish within a managed water system like the Sacramento Valley. (See: Floodplains: Processes and Management for Ecosystem Services by UC Press). To improve conditions … Continue reading “Reactivating the Floodplains in the Sacramento Valley”

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More Salmon Recovery Projects — Removing Fish Barriers on Little Cow Creek

Thursday, Jul 12th, 2018

  By Ross Perry, Western Shasta Resource Conservation District We now have funding from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to address two fish barriers in Little Cow Creek: the Cook and Butcher diversion dam and the abandoned Bella Vista pipeline.   The Cow Creek Watershed is a major tributary to the Sacramento River … Continue reading “More Salmon Recovery Projects — Removing Fish Barriers on Little Cow Creek”

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Embracing Summer in Northern California: The Importance of Surface and Groundwater Storage and Progressive Water Resources Management

Thursday, Jul 5th, 2018

  As the days get warmer in California and we see fires spreading throughout the state, it is a good time to think about water and to appreciate the work that water resources managers do throughout California to make sure we have reliable water supplies available for cities and rural communities, farms, fish, birds, recreation, … Continue reading “Embracing Summer in Northern California: The Importance of Surface and Groundwater Storage and Progressive Water Resources Management”

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More Water for Birds: New Water Supplies for the Sutter National Wildlife Refuge

Thursday, Jun 28th, 2018

  As part of a concerted and ongoing effort to assure reliable and affordable water supplies for the National Wildlife Refuges in the Sacramento Valley and to provide water for multiple benefits, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and Reclamation District 1004 (RD 1004) have developed and then last winter implemented a creative new pilot program … Continue reading “More Water for Birds: New Water Supplies for the Sutter National Wildlife Refuge”

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