Fish Food Grown on Winter Rice Fields Could be Key to Recovering Imperiled Central Valley Salmon

Thursday, Aug 6th, 2020

By: Roger Cornwell, River Garden Farms Jacob Katz, PhD, California Trout A first-of-its-kind study reveals that rice fields can play an important role in revitalizing river ecosystems and boosting imperiled salmon populations in the Sacramento Valley. California Trout, working with River Garden Farms and a coalition of farmers and public agencies, recently completed a detailed … Continue reading “Fish Food Grown on Winter Rice Fields Could be Key to Recovering Imperiled Central Valley Salmon”

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Re-Managing Flows in the Sacramento River Basin to Benefit Salmon and Other Species

Tuesday, Jul 21st, 2020

By Todd Manley Water has been re-managed in the Sacramento River Basin over the past several decades in creative ways to provide essential pathways for spawning salmon and steelhead. Every major watercourse in the Sacramento River Basin has flow agreements that are designed to benefit salmon and steelhead, while balancing other uses of water for … Continue reading “Re-Managing Flows in the Sacramento River Basin to Benefit Salmon and Other Species”

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A Review of Efforts to Recover Sacramento Valley Chinook Salmon

Tuesday, Jul 14th, 2020

By Dave Vogel, Senior Scientist, Natural Resource Scientists, Red Bluff Earlier this year, I provided the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) with comments on its 5-year Review of the Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley Spring-run Chinook salmon and the California Central Valley Steelhead.  As a scientist working in the Sacramento Valley for most … Continue reading “A Review of Efforts to Recover Sacramento Valley Chinook Salmon”

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