Seizing the Moment: Preparing for Next Year with Groundwater Recharge Opportunities

Wednesday, Jul 21st, 2021

By David Guy As water resources managers work hard this summer to deliver limited water supplies to cities, rural communities, farms, refuges and fisheries–while also providing essential hydropower for the state’s energy grid–there is increasing attention to prepare for the next water year. We previously wrote about Managing for Fish and Wildlife During a Dry Year … Continue reading “Seizing the Moment: Preparing for Next Year with Groundwater Recharge Opportunities”

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The Collaborative Steward

Friday, Jul 9th, 2021

The rhythmic patter of hooves skimming the earth below was a sound Amy never tired of when she was young. Whether in the hot sweat-inducing summer or the bone-chill frost of winter in upstate New York, the sound was ever-present, because Amy was always riding. With 100 acres and the surrounding landscape of woods, creeks, … Continue reading “The Collaborative Steward”

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Investing in Ecosystem Restoration in the Sacramento Valley

Wednesday, Jun 30th, 2021

By Adam Davis, Managing Partner, Ecosystem Investment Partners Earlier posts here like this one by Grant Lundberg and this one by David Guy have done a great job of describing the virtues of floodplain restoration.  The profound dedication of people like Julie Rentner and Jacob Katz inform and energize the work of the entire Floodplain Forward coalition that I’m proud to be part … Continue reading “Investing in Ecosystem Restoration in the Sacramento Valley”

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