The BDCP and the Further Need for Statewide Water Solutions

Friday, Dec 6th, 2013

With the state and federal agencies releasing the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) this week, the leaders in the North State are unified in our commitment to statewide water solutions that protect the economy, environment and quality of life in Northern California.

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The evolving value of Shasta Dam

Monday, Sep 23rd, 2013

In the summer of 1938, during the height of the Great Depression, ground was broken for the largest public works project in Northern California. The people in Northern California this past week honored the important role that Shasta Dam and the resulting Shasta Lake play in the community and the larger Sacramento Valley. As part of this 75th anniversary commemoration, I had the opportunity to reflect on the indelible imprint that both the dam and lake have cast on Northern California, as well as how the management of the lake has and will continue to evolve with the changing values in our society.

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“Delta tunnel project is still stuck with unacceptable baggage”

Friday, Aug 30th, 2013

Recently in the Sunday Forum, the Sacramento Bee editorial board advanced that the “Delta tunnel project is still stuck with unacceptable baggage.” The Bee captured the upstream water supplier perspective very accurately when it provided:

In the Bay-Delta processes, the state and federal agencies “still haven’t provided guarantees to north state water users that their water supplies and ecosystems won’t be harmed by tunnel diversions….”

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