
Wednesday, Jan 25th, 2012

Sustainability: It comes in many flavors: economic, social, cultural, environmental, and many other permeations. We work hard to be exceptional stewards of the natural resources which we have been blessed-the soil, the water, the geography, the wildlife-it is essential to our sense of place. In the small farming communities of the Sacramento Valley we live … Continue reading “Sustainability”

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For the Love of Farming

Friday, Dec 2nd, 2011

Being a fifth generation Californian, agriculture has always been a part of my family’s history. My father however, grew up to become a banker but fifteen years later, he traded suits and ties for jeans and work boots. Getting into agriculture was a major lifestyle change that, as a family, we grew to embrace and … Continue reading “For the Love of Farming”

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Thoughts From The Rising Eagle Ranch

Wednesday, Oct 26th, 2011

We purchased our ranch in the Cascade Mountains, north of Mount Lassen and south of Mount Shasta, over a decade ago. After a career in aerospace and defense, my plan was to kick-back and enjoy the pastures, oak woodlands and pine forests. My ranch neighbors took me to local watershed group and cattlemen’s meetings and … Continue reading “Thoughts From The Rising Eagle Ranch”

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Plants Are Like Children

Friday, Oct 7th, 2011

As I was driving down the country road today, I started thinking about “conservation” and what that means to our farm. Many in our state say that instead of developing new water supplies, all farmers have to do is conserve water and use it more efficiently. Most farmers are conservationists and we are very aware … Continue reading “Plants Are Like Children”

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