Managing Water in the Sacramento Valley for Multiple Benefits in 2015

Friday, Apr 17th, 2015

With California enduring its fourth consecutive dry year, every drop of water counts and must be stretched as far as possible. In the Sacramento Valley, water resources managers have been working closely with state and federal agencies and our conservation partners to stretch available supplies in creative ways to benefit multiple uses. Water supplies in the Sacramento Valley have all been reduced significantly this year due to the fourth consecutive year of scant rainfall and snowpack in the state, although the December and February storms in Northern California have led to storage in certain reservoirs that is higher than 2014. Throughout the Sacramento Valley, it is important during this dry year that water will be used for multiple purposes, including cities and rural communities, farms, fish, birds and recreation.

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New Information on Water Use in California and the Sacramento Valley

Friday, Apr 10th, 2015

The new edition of the California Water Plan (Bulletin 160-13) was recently finalized by the California Department of Water Resources. Interestingly, the new edition determined that in an average water year agriculture used 200,000 acre-feet less than previously thought. While this does not change the overall percentages of water use in the state, it is important to note that agricultural water use during an average water year is 41 percent of applied water. This is important factual information amidst all the media coverage of the California drought, much of which has erroneously reported this information.

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The Public Benefits of Sites Reservoir

Thursday, Apr 2nd, 2015

The fourth year of a drought has led to creative water management to provide water for multiple beneficial purposes throughout the Sacramento Valley, including the mosaic of cities and rural communities, farms, fish, birds and recreation. Unfortunately, all these beneficial uses of water suffer during these dry years, with reduced water supplies for farmers and … Continue reading “The Public Benefits of Sites Reservoir”

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Visualizing Drought in the Sacramento Valley

Friday, Mar 27th, 2015

Some recent satellite imagery from NASA shows the drought impacts on agriculture and the environment in the Sacramento Valley. The following images compare the summer of 2011 (a wet year) versus the summer of 2014 (the third year of drought) in the Central Valley. The green is land with water and the red is generally idled land without water. In the Sacramento Valley–the northern third of the Great Central Valley–you can see significant red around the outside of the Valley and sprinkled throughout the interior part of the Sacramento Valley.

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