The Public Benefits of Sites Reservoir

Thursday, Apr 2nd, 2015

The fourth year of a drought has led to creative water management to provide water for multiple beneficial purposes throughout the Sacramento Valley, including the mosaic of cities and rural communities, farms, fish, birds and recreation. Unfortunately, all these beneficial uses of water suffer during these dry years, with reduced water supplies for farmers and … Continue reading “The Public Benefits of Sites Reservoir”

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Visualizing Drought in the Sacramento Valley

Friday, Mar 27th, 2015

Some recent satellite imagery from NASA shows the drought impacts on agriculture and the environment in the Sacramento Valley. The following images compare the summer of 2011 (a wet year) versus the summer of 2014 (the third year of drought) in the Central Valley. The green is land with water and the red is generally idled land without water. In the Sacramento Valley–the northern third of the Great Central Valley–you can see significant red around the outside of the Valley and sprinkled throughout the interior part of the Sacramento Valley.

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Water Use in California and the Sacramento Valley

Thursday, Mar 19th, 2015

As this year is looking more and more like another water short year for California, it is important to remember the many important uses for water in our state. The chart below, which is generated with information contained in the California Water Plan, shows the many and varied environmental water uses, as well as the proportion of water used by the urban and agricultural sectors in the state. As decisions are made in response to the drought, meeting these multiple uses needs to be part of the process.

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Improving water quality in the Sacramento Valley

Friday, Mar 13th, 2015

Water in the Sacramento Valley is generally very high quality. As part of the ongoing efforts for regional sustainability, there are various programs that are working hard to improve water quality in the region. A good example of these efforts is the program on Walker Creek in Glenn County, where landowners, with assistance from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), have developed a watershed management plan to prevent insecticides from entering the creek.

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