Nigiri Project Provides Great Example of Coordinating Land Uses to Maximize Benefits

Thursday, Aug 25th, 2016

The San Francisco Chronicle published an in-depth insert on California rice that provides valuable insight on future water management opportunities in the Sacramento Valley.  Included in the insert was an article highlighting the Nigiri Project–the California Trout and University of California program to study rearing juvenile trout on harvested rice fields.  This highly acclaimed program … Continue reading “Nigiri Project Provides Great Example of Coordinating Land Uses to Maximize Benefits”

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Moving the Needle on Nitrogen Management

Thursday, Aug 18th, 2016

For nearly a decade – since Senate Bill SBX2 1 (Perata) was signed into law in 2008, requiring the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), in consultation with other agencies, to prepare a Report to the Legislature to “improve understanding of the causes of [nitrate] groundwater contamination, identify potential remediation solutions and funding sources to recover costs expended by the State…to clean up or treat groundwater, and ensure the provision of safe drinking water to all communities,” there have been multiple efforts focused nitrogen impacts to groundwater quality.

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California Water Management – No Need to Panic

Thursday, Aug 11th, 2016

In a recent blog post that captures the reader’s attention with the provocative title, “How bad is water management in California,” author Jay Lund compares water management results in California to other parts of the world with similar climates.  When comparing California’s water management (in terms of wealth, food production and aquatic ecosystem condition) with … Continue reading “California Water Management – No Need to Panic”

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How water is used – a good reminder

Thursday, Aug 4th, 2016

  Water resource managers in the Sacramento Valley manage our precious water resources for all beneficial purposes. Below are two great resources to remind us how water is used for many purposes. Click on the image to view an animated infographic on water use of an average American on a typical day.      

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