Bringing the Sacramento Valley to Life: Investing in Multiple Benefits through Floodplain Reactivation and Nature-Based Solutions

Wednesday, Jun 7th, 2023

By David Guy

There are unique opportunities in the Sacramento Valley to reactivate floodplains, mimicking historical natural processes to improve habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife, enhance flood protection and groundwater recharge, and increase California’s resilience to climate change by better preparing the state for future droughts and floods. These nature-based solutions are a new way forward in the Sacramento Valley and are highlighted in the work of leading researchers from the University of California-Davis and proven in the field through collaborative partnerships between scientists, conservation groups, water resources managers, local governments and local landowners. Our history has shown that floodplains are vital in the health and wellness of people, fish and wildlife.

An amazing working group is advancing these efforts through the Floodplain Forward Coalition, which has a new booklet that shares the innovative work that is underway in the Sacramento Valley to create vibrant landscapes and healthy California river systems for generations to come. We encourage you to look at the digital version of the booklet by clicking here.

To help visualize the important work underway, we also encourage you to watch the four films described on page 21 of the booklet or that you can see at Floodplains Reconnected.

We truly appreciate the broad support for this amazing coalition and the collaborative approach to water management and habitat creation through floodplain reactivation in the Sacramento Valley.

Details on the specific projects are seen in the Portfolio for Floodplain Reactivation and Priority Projects and by viewing Floodplains Reimagined. If you would like additional information or copies of this booklet, please let us know at and we will send it to you.

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