A recently-developed map of the Agricultural Water Management Plans and Urban Water Management Plans displays the comprehensive nature of water management planning in the Sacramento Valley. All of the agricultural and urban water suppliers in the Sacramento Valley covered by state law have submitted compliant Agricultural Water Management Plans and Urban Water Management Plans.
In total, 45 Urban Water Management Plans and 21 Agricultural Water Management Plans have been developed in the region. In addition, six Urban Water Management Plans and nine Agricultural Water Management Plans were submitted by entities that were not required to do so by the state.
Importantly, these plans help inform water management actions that enable creative and innovative multi-benefit water management throughout the Sacramento Valley. Water resources managers in the Sacramento Valley are managing resources to benefit fish, birds, farms and local communities.
In addition to benefiting local water management, these plans also contribute to regional approaches and more coordinated river-system water management that promotes increased efficiency, opportunities to provide functional flows where and when they are needed for environmental benefits and to meet multiple beneficial uses as the water moves downstream through this flow-through system.
Good water management planning, But the info graphics have metrics not show clearly.