The Northern California Water Association (NCWA) last week celebrated its 25th Annual Meeting at the Sierra Nevada Brewery in Chico with a focus on The Changing Conversation in the Sacramento Valley. A short film was unveiled to showcase the exceptional qualities in the Sacramento Valley and how they are all tied to our precious water resources, which can be seen at: The Sacramento Valley.
The meeting was an opportunity to honor the visionary leadership in Northern California 25 years ago, while reflecting on the region and looking forward to how the Sacramento Valley will continue to serve multiple beneficial purposes of water, including cities and rural communities, farms, birds, fish and recreation. The Chico Enterprise Record captured the meeting at:

Like a human fingerprint, California’s Sacramento Valley is truly unique. On the leading edge of ecological and economical sustainability, it’s also an exceptional place to live, work and raise a family. The Sacramento Valley joins together a world-renowned mosaic of natural abundance: productive farmlands, wildlife refuges and managed wetlands, cities and rural communities, and meandering rivers that support and feed fisheries and natural habitats. Through efficient management of the region’s water resources, the Sacramento Valley will continue to provide what’s essential to California’s future success and prosperity. Nourishment and sustenance from the fields, habitats for fish and wildlife, recreation and a special quality of life—the Sacramento Valley is home to all of this, and more.