The Floodplains Help Juvenile Salmon Reach a Healthy Size for Improved Survival

Wednesday, Sep 20th, 2023

By David Guy As part of the Floodplain Forward Coalition, there are significant efforts to re-imagine and better use our system of flood control levees and bypasses, the farmlands in the historic floodplain, and oxbows and other features within the river to benefit salmon, birds, and agriculture while ensuring the flood protection system functions well when … Continue reading “The Floodplains Help Juvenile Salmon Reach a Healthy Size for Improved Survival”

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Biodiversity in the Sacramento Valley

Thursday, Sep 7th, 2023

By David Guy Today is California Biodiversity Day, which marks the anniversary of the launch of California Biodiversity Initiative in 2018 and celebrates our amazing state, the exceptional biodiversity we have in the Sacramento Valley and throughout California, and the actions we can work on with our many partners to ensure biodiversity. In the Sacramento Valley, our goal … Continue reading “Biodiversity in the Sacramento Valley”

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Guest Commentary: The Social Significance of Water Infrastructure

Tuesday, Aug 29th, 2023

By Aaron Pope, Project Manager, The Catalyst Group, Inc. This article was published by The Catalyst Group. When we discuss water infrastructure in our industry, our thoughts naturally gravitate toward its fundamental roles in growing our food, supplying our homes, and powering industries. However, within the depths of lakes and the fast-moving currents of rivers, … Continue reading “Guest Commentary: The Social Significance of Water Infrastructure”

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