NCWA Honors

Friday, Mar 16th, 2012

At NCWA’s 20th Annual Meeting Joe Scalmamani and George Basye were honored with the Innovative Water Management Water Award and the Will S. Green Award.

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A Region Comes Together Around Water

Thursday, Mar 8th, 2012

Nearly twenty-years ago, the winter of 1991-92 was a very dry period in California. The pressures surrounding several dry years in a row, coupled with the lack of adequate water infrastructure …

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Water Used Well, Lost Forever?

Thursday, Mar 1st, 2012

What’s water use efficiency to you? Is it buying a new “efficient” dishwasher or washing machine? Taking showers with a low flow shower head? Setting your sprinklers to run at times when your lawn will drink it verses evaporating in the hot air?

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Rice: 24/7 – 365; The Fields Are Always Open

Thursday, Feb 23rd, 2012

I often get asked, “How long does it take to grow a rice crop?” Some rice varieties take 125 days to grow – others can take up to 170 days from seed to harvest. However, just because rice isn’t growing in the fields, doesn’t mean the rice fields are working. The truth is that rice … Continue reading “Rice: 24/7 – 365; The Fields Are Always Open”

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