California Water: Who uses how much?
Wednesday, Jul 30th, 2014
The drought has brought increased scrutiny of water use in California, with focus on who uses how much and for what purposes. This attention is not surprising since scarcity is affecting all water use sectors. Along with this interest, however, comes an array of confusing and often conflicting claims about water use…
Read more »Restoring the Salmon Runs in the Sacramento Valley: A Time for Action
Tuesday, Jul 22nd, 2014
For the past several decades, leaders in the Sacramento Valley have been developing innovative partnerships and projects to improve salmon, while assuring reliable water supplies for farms, birds, cities and rural communities. These efforts have significantly improved the migratory corridors and habitat for salmon throughout the Valley, leading to mixed success in restoring certain runs of salmon in the region. To further improve salmon runs—there is more work ahead. Now is the time for action!
Read more »Saving Sacramento Valley Water
Monday, Jul 21st, 2014
A recent survey published in the San Jose Mercury News shows that the Sacramento River Basin has reduced its consumption by 13% this May, compared to May 2011-2013 (see map below). This is a good sign as we grapple with the third year of a drought, although there is more work ahead…. A story in … Continue reading “Saving Sacramento Valley Water”
Read more »California Drought: Watering Chickens and Feeding Cows
Wednesday, Jul 16th, 2014
This year, 2014, is the year that will be remembered by my family for two things. It is the year my son, George, was born. And, it is the year the reservoir did not fill. These two events, although both individually extraordinary, could not be more juxtaposed from tremendous joy to stomach churning apprehension. Well, to be fair, George is a newborn, so apprehension plays a role there, too.
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