Pacific Flyway Values Featured In New Infographic

Friday, May 30th, 2014

The Northern California Water Association has developed a new infographic highlighting the Pacific Flyway lands in the Sacramento Valley. The Pacific Flyway is a prominent part of the land use and culture of the Valley. Every fall, the region transitions into prime habitat for the shorebirds, migratory waterfowl, raptors and other species that utilize the Flyway. This is only possible because water suppliers are able to deliver adequate, timely and high quality water supplies throughout the year to the varied lands providing habitat benefits. To learn more about the Sacramento Valley portion of the Pacific Flyway and to see the new infographic, visit the NCWA website at:

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Regional Self-Sufficiency: Using Water in the Sacramento Valley for Farms, Fish and Birds

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

Water is the lifeblood of the Sacramento Valley, and with minimal precipitation and low reservoirs in the North State, we are using every drop to support our farms, fish and birds. Our goal is to be self-sufficient as a region – this year and every year – because water security at the local level is the best strategy to avoid impacts from drought, now and in the future.

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The many benefits of Sacramento Valley Water

Monday, Apr 28th, 2014

Rice grower Nicole Van Vleck of Montna Farms in Sutter County comments on the triple benefit that comes from water in the Sacramento Valley.

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Cheat sheet on the California Drought

Thursday, Apr 24th, 2014

Jay Lund, a professor of Civil Engineering, has prepared a “cheat sheet on the California drought” that provides some valuable insights into the drought. He highlights that water is our lifeblood and no drop is wasted. His conclusions–which translate well into the Sacramento Valley–provide that “managing the effects of drought requires a range of actions carefully organized and analyzed together as a portfolio of measures with benefits and costs. California accomplishes a great deal with its limited water supply, supporting 38 million people, 9 million acres of irrigated cropland, a $1.9 trillion a year economy and highly-valued native ecosystems. We can accomplish more, but we can no more drought-proof California than we can earthquake-proof or fireproof the state. We can only manage water better and in more modern ways to serve California’s dynamic and diverse objectives.”

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