Vote on November 4th
Friday, Oct 31st, 2014
For the water bond on the November 4 ballot, Governor Jerry Brown, California Farm Bureau Federation President Paul Wenger and Nature Conservancy California Director Mike Sweeney wrote the ballot argument in favor of Proposition 1.
Read more »Passage of Proposition 2 – Positive effects on California’s financial stability
Wednesday, Oct 29th, 2014
Passage of Proposition 2 (the Rainy Day Budget Stabilization Fund Act) will have a number of positive effects on California’s financial stability, but it will also be beneficial for county governments as well. In the past, there have been occasions when services provided by the counties should have been paid for or at least reimbursed by the state. But, due to state overspending and the recession, these funds were withheld from the local jurisdictions forcing counties to use their own general tax revenue to cover the costs.
Read more »Proposition 1 could provide more advances in water management
Monday, Oct 27th, 2014
Less than three weeks from now, Yuba County voters will choose whether to support or oppose Proposition 1, “The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.” If passed, this $7.5 billion bond would provide funding to assist local agencies throughout California to upgrade their water systems for the benefit of cities, farms and the environment.
Read more »The California Water Bond: Working for Waterfowl and You
Thursday, Oct 23rd, 2014
This November, California voters will head to the polls tasked with deciding their state’s water future. Proposition 1 – the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014–-is a $7.5 billion general obligation bond measure placed on the ballot with a near-unanimous, bipartisan vote by the legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown that, if approved, will fund investments in water projects and programs as part of a statewide, comprehensive water plan for California.
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