Another Milestone Achieved for Sacramento Valley Salmon
Monday, Jun 1st, 2015

On May 29, the Natomas Mutual Water Company (Natomas) hosted a dedication ceremony for the Pritchard Lake Pumping Plant Replacement that is part of the company’s American Basin Fish Screen and Habitat Improvement Project. A fish screen is designed to allow the diversion of water while protecting salmon and other fish as they migrate in the river. This is the latest fish screen project to be completed, adding to the passage improvement effort for salmon that has been occurring in the Sacramento Valley for more than two decades (see earlier blog on this program). Water diverted by Natomas serves the farmland north of Sacramento, as well as the Natomas Basin Conservancy, which provides important wetlands habitat for birds, giant garter snakes and other animals.
Read more »Water cutbacks in the Sacramento Valley: More than 25 percent in every part of the Valley
Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Water supplies in the Sacramento Valley have been reduced more than 25 percent in every part of the Sacramento Valley this year—with many areas having their surface supplies reduced 100 percent. Importantly, these cutbacks will have a negative impact on all the water uses in the region, including cities and rural communities, farms, fish, birds and recreation.
Read more »Improving Water Quality in the Sacramento Valley – Part 2
Wednesday, May 20th, 2015
For more than a decade the Sacramento Valley Water Quality Coalition (Coalition) has brought together farmers, ranchers, wetlands managers, conservation organizations, water resources managers, resource conservation districts and Agricultural Commissioners to implement a “Regional Plan for Action” that focuses on improving surface water quality…
Read more »Water Providing Multiple Benefits Prompts Water Rights Over-Appropriation Myth
Tuesday, May 12th, 2015
Over the past several years there have been reoccurring claims that California’s water rights are over-appropriated and that the water rights system does not work. This erroneous claim is made by those who simply add up all of the water rights maintained by the State Water Resources Control Board and state that they total more than the available water supplies in the state and therefore they are over-appropriated.
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