Reactivating the Floodplains in the Sacramento River Basin

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Reactivating our historic floodplains in the Sacramento River Basin is an exciting initiative that tackles one of California’s most pressing 21st Century Challenges. This special effort is designed to secure our water supply, protect against floods, and restore vital ecosystems—all while adapting to a changing climate.

The comprehensive approach aims to revive salmon populations, reduce flood risks, recharge aquifers, expand recreational opportunities, bolster agricultural sustainability, and enhance the overall health and resilience of the Sacramento River ecosystem. Through powerful collaborations and partnerships, we are leveraging cutting-edge science and engineering to create multi-benefit solutions that pave the way for a thriving future for fish, people, and wildlife.

Learn more about this transformative approach in the below six-page PDF.

Click here or the image above to see the full document.
















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