Kapusta 1a Side Channel Project is Now Open!

Thursday, Jun 14th, 2018


By Harmony Gugino, Project Manager
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District

In late April, flows from the Sacramento River came rushing in to the new Kapusta 1a side channel at river mile 288 just upstream from the City of Anderson. What an exciting moment to witness! Check out our video.

Where the side-channel exits to the Sacramento River

Since that time, finishing touches on the project included final rock placement along the channel, closing up the temporary access road, and adding several more native riparian plants. Then, post-construction monitoring begins when over the next one plus years, the Upper Sacramento River Restoration Team will be observing channel function, habitat conditions and use by fish species.

Team Kapusta with flowing channel entrance in the background

The project was completed by Mike Michalak owner of the The Fly Shop with funding from the Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project Improvement Act, with Project Manager, Harmony Gugino, nurturing it to fruition with the diligent help of Project Coordinator, Jan Raether, and designs provided by California Department of Water Resources engineer, Nancy Snodgrass and with a myriad of other people over the last 5 years or so advising and working towards this day.

Why Side Channels?  Here are some links with information on the benefits of side channel and floodplain habitat for our treasured and imperiled salmon species:

Good Habitat Bad Habitat – NOAA Fisheries
Importance of Healthy Floodplains to Pacific Salmon & Steelhead

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