Throughout the Sacramento Valley, reservoirs are full and the rivers and smaller streams continue to run dangerously high. The water is pressing against levees and the entire region is saturated, making communities vulnerable to future storms and associated flood risks for the next several months. Thankfully the Sacramento Valley’s brilliant bypass system is again working remarkably well and showing its value by helping convey water away from cities and rural communities. While much of the Valley remained safe, some communities did experience localized flooding from smaller creeks and streams.

Photo by Hector Iniguez
Thousands of families, their communities, their property and their livelihood are potentially in harm’s way over the next several months. The flood risk is real. As local, state and federal officials evaluate the current flood dynamic and take steps to minimize the immediate threat (and lessen future threats) the Northern California Water Association has assembled a team of local agencies and experts, who have prepared the following statement that includes recommendations.
Click on the image to view the statement: