2016: A Wet or Dry Year?

Thursday, Dec 3rd, 2015

As we transition to 2016 and start planning for the new water year, the water resources managers in the Sacramento Valley are preparing for both a wet and a dry year. Although the past four years have been dry and we have seen serious reductions in water supplies for cities, rural communities, farms, fish and birds; the Sacramento Valley has faced major flooding in every decade and the water system is designed primarily for flood protection and public safety.

To help prepare for winter storms that inevitably occur, the Department of Water Resources has prepared a new winter storm readiness fact sheet that provides good information on how the state and local water resources managers prepare for winter storms.  The fact sheet includes various measures to avoid impacts from winter storms, as well as opportunities to capture water supplies for next year.

MBK wateryear 12.02.15a


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